Shreya Agarwal

My mission is to live each moment in awareness with a compassionate heart to make our world a better and kinder place

Professional Bio

A social impact leader, Shreya is a professional certified coach trained at New Ventures West, California. She is trained in Adaptive Leadership by Ron Heifetz and Adult Development by Robert Kegan.

As a former Director of Strategy at Digital Green, a global non-profit organization, she has supported in the development of coaching programs that served 3 million small scale farmers in Asia and Africa.

While at McKinsey & Co. and Dalberg Development Advisors, she has helped advise fortune 500 clients, global development institutions and governments. Partners include The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, USAID, World Bank and Govt. of India & Ethiopia.

She has studied a Master of Public Administration at Harvard Kennedy School in the US & a Master in Development Studies at Institute of Development Studies in the UK.

Trained in Vipassana she also practices mindful self-compassion.

My Journey

Growing up I was often lonely & felt I needed to be different to be loved. My struggles awoke in me deep empathy for the struggles of others. I figured I’d be happy if I lived a life of service and spent years working with the most marginalized in the poorest villages in Asia and Africa.

But changing the system is hard. I faced doubt. Were we truly moving the needle? Kindness to others did not translate to kindness to self.

It’s therefore not surprising that I found my way to spirituality. With a daily meditation practice of many years, I've experienced moments of complete surrender and the inner knowing that the only truth is now and the only constant is change. Wisdom grew that external impact can only happen if we first heal our inner wounds.

Life feels sweet, purposeful & I know I’m making more impact than ever before. Not only because of what I’m doing but because of who I’m becoming. I now help change-makers and social impact leaders find their own inner transformation journey in their personal and professional lives. One step at a time.

Every moment is a second chance.