My Approach

We move from mindsets to practice.


Our world is a reflection of the stories we tell ourselves. We will first look at your beliefs, mindsets and patterns that might be contributing to the problem and work at revising those.


And from there we will identify actionable steps to achieve your goals. I'll offer personalized practices and resources from proven positive psychology, adult development & adaptive leadership methodologies.

Methodology and Theories


Coaching from presence cultivates self-awareness, equanimity, and self-compassion. It serves as a foundation to coaching regulating the nervous system and creating openness to embrace change.

Integral Coaching

Identifies and addresses limitations in a person’s way of being by considering their cognitive, emotional, relational, somatic, and spiritual world.

Adult Development

Uncovers hidden assumptions that hinder our progress towards goals. It’s based on the belief that growth is ongoing and involves updating the systems by which we make meaning.

Adaptive Leadership

Adaptive leadership tackles root causes to address system-wide challenges with emotional intelligence, openness, and a growth mindset for just solutions.

Coaching Path

We Meet

Free exploratory coaching conversation

1 session / 45-60 mins

Personalized Plan

Intake & custom coaching program with clear outcomes & definition of success

2 sessions / 3 hrs

Active Coaching

Series of coaching sessions to ensure momentum against goal

10 sessions / 10 hrs.
over 3-4 months

Coaching ought to be for everyone regardless of the situation.
Pay what's right for you. If needed, we can discuss a sliding scale fee in the discovery call.